Friday, October 15, 2010

And so it begins... A blog...

Today I went to work. It was pretty slow. Nothing too fantastic. I spent all my tip money on groceries. Got lots of fruits and veggies and some coconut milk. An assignment from my Nutrition teacher was to try a different kind of milk, such as almond, hemp, oat, coconut, etc, because cow's milk contains pus cells. Gross, I know. You can research more about it for yourself on sites like We also have to watch Food, Inc. If you haven't seen this documentary yet, I highly recommend it; however, it is graphic in some scenes. But, it's important to know where our food is coming from.  It really is awful the way animals are treated, handled, and slaughtered to become our food. BTW, I am not a vegetarian, just to make that clear. I do eat meat. And now that I live in an area that has farmer's markets, I have started to get my meat from farmers who practice safe techniques and who feed their cattle grass. 

This evening I attended my Hypnotherapy class. I absolutely love it. My teacher is amazing. Which is great, because I will have her through my whole program. Most of my classmates I don't know, so it will be a great opportunity to make new friends. I have a few friends from my Intuitive Studies class, though, who were in my Polarity basics class. We're all in the same degree program, so it's nice to see some familiar faces. I still don't have very many friends here in AZ...Next week we get to start our initial practices with other classmates. I'm just so excited about school and everything I'm learning.